Alex Roth
Alex Roth has been a reporter at the Wall Street Journal, The San Diego Union-Tribune and the Detroit Free Press, among other newspapers.
He has written extensively about the criminal-justice system as well as business and politics and was named the Union-Tribune’s Writer of the Year in 2005. Roth lives in San Diego with his wife, three dogs and a cat.
Published Work
After the Bubble, Ghost Towns Across America
Published August 2, 2008 in The Wall Street Journal.
Half-built Subdivisions Are Lonesome Places; ‘There’s Just No Noise.’
Miles of Idled Boxcars Leave Towns Singing the Freight-Train Blues
Published February 23, 2009 in The Wall Street Journal.
The side effects of the post-recession collapse in railroad traffic.
Bob Filner and the Monster Within
Published August 23, 2013 by inewsource/KPBS.
Searching for answers about the sex scandal that took down former San Diego Mayor and former U.S. Rep. Bob Filner.
Shots in the Dark
Published July 15, 2007 in The San Diego Union-Tribune.A shooting incident at a back country general store changed lives forever.
Shooting down Cunningham’s legend
Published January 15, 2006 in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
A profile of Congressman Randy Cunningham, convicted in one of the biggest bribery scandals in Congressional history.
Hero or villain?
Published October 30, 2005 in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
Profile of Mike Aguirre, San Diego’s city attorney.
Vanished: Vito Goes to Sea
Published May 15, 2005 in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
The Mystery of the Gina Lisa. A series on missing fishing boat.