Advisory Council

Bill Buzenberg
Bill Buzenberg has been a journalist and newsroom leader for more than 45 years. Most recently (2007-2015) he was executive director of the Washington, D.C.–based Center for Public Integrity, which

Vicente Calderón
With more than 30 years practicing journalism on both sides of the border, Vicente Calderón understands as few others do the dynamic and complex region that defines México and the

Jeffrey Davidow
Jeffrey Davidow Advisory Council Over the course of a 34-year career in the Foreign Service, Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow became one of America's most senior and well-respected diplomats. He has extensive

Mark J. Davis
Mark J. Davis is an operations and finance executive with more than 20 years of business experience. After starting his career in finance with a Fortune 500 consumer products company,

Lynne Friedmann
Lynne Friedmann is editor of ScienceWriters magazine, published by the National Association of Science Writers. As a science journalist and educator, she has organized dozens of seminars and conferences on

Jon Funabiki
Jon Funabiki's career spans journalism, philanthropy and academia. He is a Professor of Journalism and Executive Director of Renaissance Journalism ( at San Francisco State University. He joined the university

Kris Lindblad
At 16, Kris Lindblad broke his back in an accident. While lying in bed with not much else to do, he taught himself to draw, mostly from Marvel comics. Two

Richard Louv
Richard Louv is the author of eight books, including "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder" and "The Nature Principle." Translated into 13 languages and published

Catherine Mann
Catherine Mann has been an artist, illustrator and designer for more than 25 years. She began her career designing and illustrating for magazines and newspapers, including Entertainment Weekly, InStyle, Ladies'

Scott Wahrenbrock
Scott Wahrenbrock was corporate counsel for The Copley Press, Inc., former publisher of The San Diego Union-Tribune, as well as various papers in Los Angeles, Illinois and Ohio. Counseling talented

Laura Walcher
Laura Walcher is indisputably recognized as the doyenne of public relations in San Diego. Opening the doors of her first one-woman shop in 1974, she quickly built a client roster

Susan White Executive Editor
Susan White has edited or co-edited three Pulitzer Prize-winning projects at three different news organizations, working with a succession of talented reporters who are as obsessive as she is about

Nancy Wyld
Nancy Wyld spent 17 years at the San Diego Union-Tribune, where she was operations manager for its 400-person newsroom. She handled budgets, contract negotiations and vendor relations. She also oversaw