The Fundacion para el Periodismo (FPP) was formed in response to the demand of citizens to improve the quality of journalism and at the same time to respond to the lack of schools that offered professional training for journalists.
Our objective is to improve the quality of Bolivian journalism through professional courses that, in addition to teaching technical aspects of journalism, also contribute to reflection about the role of the press in society.
The chief objectives of the Fundacion para el Periodismo are:
*Integral training of journalists
The training of journalists is the chief goal of the School of Journalism that seeks to instruct on theoretical and practical aspects of journalism. A special emphasis is placed on ethics, with the hope that the students adopt the highest principles and values of journalism and then practice them, not just in their professional activities but in their daily lives.
*Debate and reflection on ethical principals and citizens
The Fundacion para el Periodismo is a space for open debate of ideas and reflection about the problems that confront journalism today. The Fundacion organizes debates, forums, seminars and conferences that contribute to the exchang of ideas and experiences.
*Encouraging citizenship
The Fundacion para el Periodismo develops a series of activities to improve the quality of information that citizens receive to encourage their participation in the democratic process and to create an environment in which authorities are accountable and transparent.